Things Your Compost Pile Needs from You

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Discover the essential care tips for a healthy compost pile! Learn what your compost needs, from proper balance and aeration to moisture and regular maintenance, to create nutrient-rich soil for your garden. Perfect for reducing waste and boosting your plants’ growth.

Rural compost pile
Rural compost pile. Photo Credit: Deposit Photos

As a gardener, you need nutrient-rich soil to ensure your plants grow how you need them to. As a soil maker, your compost pile needs things from you to ensure your soil is how you need to use it.

Without proper care, your compost pile can turn into anything from a hard rock of partially rotted food to a wet and soggy rotting mess.

How Do I Start a Compost Pile?

To give your compost pile the best start, you will want to include the best ingredient mixture possible. When first creating your compost pile, the list of things it needs is relatively small. These things, however, are necessary to allow your waste to begin to break down into the soil you desire.

Once your pile is established, it will still need maintenance. Luckily, the beginning is the part that requires the most work, and once things are off and moving on their own, you can maintain them weekly or bi-weekly.

Give Your Compost Pile Enough Room

Composted soil is incredibly compacted when it has finished. However, it can take up quite a lot of room during the decomposition process.

You can slightly remedy this by breaking any big pieces down into smaller pieces. However, you will still need a bin large enough to handle the amount of waste you add to your compost pile.

If you do not have an actual compost bin, an unused 33-gallon trash can is a great option. Yes, you will be introducing “trash” to your compost pile. However, a bin that has been used before may contain bacteria harmful to your compost pile.

It is best to be safe in this area so your composted soil has a better chance of getting off to a great start.

Compost Piles Need Air

Part of the reason compost waste breaks down the way it does is due to proper air circulation. Your container must allow adequate ventilation. If it does not, you will need to drill or cut air holes in the container for this.

A compost pile without proper aeration turns into a rotting mess without giving you the soil you need for your garden.

Keep Things Moist

As part of the decomposition process, your compost pile will need to be moistened until just damp and kept that way. If it is allowed to dry out completely, it will not progress into soil and rot into a soggy mess.

If it has been raining, your compost pile should be sufficiently watered. However, if the weather has been dry, you must water it yourself. As you water it, be sure not to get it sopping wet. Instead, keep it damp without dripping wet.

Your Compost Pile Must Be Balanced

When adding ingredients to your compost pile, they must be balanced between green and brown elements. In short, green ingredients are things such as vegetable scraps, and browns are things that were once alive but are processed and no longer are, such as sawdust or paper.

Compost comprises green (nitrogen) materials, brown (carbon) materials, air, and water.

Like other things, your compost pile needs you to keep balanced; an improper balance of greens and browns can lead to a rotting, stinking pile of trash rather than garden soil.

Compost Piles Must Be Fed

Your compost pile will need you to feed it regularly. This essentially means just adding more compostable materials to it. It should be obvious why, but this is to ensure your pile continues to make soil.

Again, when you add ingredients, try to balance greens and browns so your compost pile thrives.

Keep a bucket or other container in your kitchen and add it to your compost nightly or every other night.

Compost Piles Must Be Turned

Once your compost pile is established, the work it requires significantly decreases. You can often cut it to as little as weekly or bi-weekly.

To maintain things, use a garden shovel to turn the pile over several times. This action helps to churn ingredients that have already begun to break down with ones that have not. It also helps to give proper circulation deep within the pile where your air holes may not reach.

Composted soil takes several months to fully complete. You will know it is ready when it resembles potting soil from the store. It may be darker and have a different texture, but that is a good thing.

The darker color indicates the earth is exceptionally nutrient-rich, which is precisely what a gardener wants.

To plant with your composted soil, mix it with organic fertilizer or manure and plant as you would with any dirt. It is just as great in potted plants as it is in garden rows and can be used to grow flowers or vegetables.

compost pile 1
Compost bin in the garden. Photo Credit: Deposit Photos

Composting Pile FAQs

Still have questions about composting piles? Here are answers to the ones that get asked frequently.

Compost Pile vs Bin?

Choosing between the two can be challenging as both have advantages and disadvantages. Compost piles are your traditional way of putting carbon and nitrogen substances in a heap, which transforms into compost with enough time, heat, and moisture. Whilst a compost bin will hide all your kitchen scraps, grass clippings, paper, and other trash away from view.

Can You Start a Compost Pile in the Winter?

You certainly can start a compost pile during the winter. Just remember that the composting materials will take much longer to break down.

And for more on composting in your garden. Check out these next:

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