A Gardener’s Complete Strawberry Variety Guide (+ 5 of The Best for Your Garden)

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There’s a huge variety of strawberries available to you: over 300 currently, with more being introduced every year.

No matter where in the world you go, there are always great strawberry varieties with all sorts of different flavors waiting to be found! Whether it be for fresh eating, jam-making, or pie filling pleasure.

In this article, I’ll cover some of the more popular types, such as Quinalt, Ozark Beauty, Jewel, Honeoye, and Albion. Plus, find a long list of 320 other delicious strawberry varieties all in one place.

Fragaria x ananassa quinault strawberries

Quinault Strawberry

Quinault strawberries are the perfect summer treat. They’re juicy, red, and flavorful when eaten fresh but can also be preserved for long-term storage in jars at your home!

Bred at Washington State University, the Quinault Strawberry is a durable, everbearing cultivar that produces many large sweet strawberries, making them great for your garden.

The main crops are ripe from late spring through mid-autumn, with the best yield in early June and later August when they’re at peak ripeness. The plant will also generate many runners, so you can continue growing more produce even after picking begins.

Quinault Strawberry plants are particularly cold-hardy and can be grown in cold climates down to Zone 3a, where they will grow well without protection such as shielding against strong winds.

Ozark Beauty Strawberry

Ozark Beauties produce deep red strawberries that taste like your favorite strawberry dessert. Not only do they have a sweet flavor when eaten fresh off the vine, but these berries also make for great preserves!

Developed in Arkansas, Ozark Beauties are one of the best everbearing strawberry varieties.

Mother plants produce runners and fruit well, but runner plants usually will not produce any strawberries during their first year; however, these sweet berries are an excellent choice for those who want to grow them as they can be grown easily in pots or from seed!

They are one of the hardiest strawberries ever and can withstand cold temperatures, and produces fruits until the first frost.

Jewel Strawberry

The Jewel Strawberry is one of the most popular and successful strawberries. They produce large, sweet fruit loaded with flavor that’s consistent throughout each plant growth cycle – never disappointing!

The Jewel Strawberry is a June-bearing garden strawberry cultivar from New York State known for its big, deep red berries with exceptional flavor.

The easy-to-grow plants are well adapted and suitable in many climates—it’s no wonder that this variety of strawberries deserves their consistent placement as one of the best-tasting types on earth!

Honeoye Strawberry

Honeoye Strawberry

Honeoye strawberries are self-pollinating, easy to grow, and a joy to have in the garden.

These plants produce one large crop over a 3-4 week period from mid-June through early July, with vigorous runners that tend to grow after the ripening of berries.

The Honeoye strawberry plant is a hardy variety developed at Cornell’s Geneva Research Station over three decades ago. It has unusual winter tolerance and can thrive even in very low-temperature areas, making it one of the best varieties for your garden!

Albion Strawberry

Albion strawberries are large and firm, with an almost crunchy texture that has made them popular in salad toppings around the world!

The Albion Strawberry, a University of California bred day-neutral variety, has a sweet flavor that makes these strawberries perfect as a dessert or snack to enjoy any time you want something juicy (not too soft).

Plants grown from this precious fruit will resist many common fungal diseases because they’re naturally more robust than other varieties, which means less work for you – amazing, right?! And the fragrant white flowers are attractive to pollinators.

strawberry harvest uses

More than 300 Different Strawberry Varieties

321 delicious strawberry varieties to try:

  1. Aberdeen Strawberry
  2. AC Wendy Strawberry (Early)
  3. Acadia Strawberry
  4. Agassiz Strawberry
  5. Alba Strawberry (Early)
  6. Albion Strawberry (Day Neutral)
  7. Albritton Strawberry
  8. Alice Strawberry (Midseason)
  9. Alinta Strawberry (Day Neutral)
  10. Allstar Strawberry (June-bearing)
  11. Alpine Alexandria (Everbearing)
  12. Alpine Strawberry
  13. Alpine Yellow Strawberry
  14. Altess Strawberry (Everbearing)
  15. Amaou Strawberry
  16. Amelia Strawberry (Late Season)
  17. Annapolis Strawberry (Early)
  18. Apollo Strawberry
  19. Archer Strawberry (Midseason)
  20. Armore Strawberry
  21. Aromas Strawberry (Day Neutral)
  22. Aromel Strawberry
  23. Arrowhead Strawberry
  24. Asia Strawberry (Early Midseason)
  25. Askungen Musk Strawberry
  26. Atlas Strawberry
  27. Bauwens Musk Strawberry
  28. Beltran Strawberry
  29. Beni-Hoppe Strawberry
  30. Benicia Strawberry (June-bearing)
  31. Benizuru Strawberry
  32. Benton Strawberry (Late Midseason)
  33. Berry Pop Haruhi Strawberry
  34. Berry Pop Sakura Strawberry
  35. Blakemore Strawberry
  36. Bogota Strawberry
  37. Bolero Strawberry (Everbearing)
  38. Bountiful Strawberry
  39. Brenda Strawberry
  40. Brighton Strawberry (Everbearing)
  41. British Sovereign
  42. Brunswick Strawberry (Early Midseason)
  43. Cabot Strawberry (Midseason)
  44. Calypso Strawberry (Everbearing)
  45. Camarosa Strawberry (Early)
  46. Cambridge Favourite Strawberry (Early)
  47. Cambridge Late Pine Strawberry
  48. Cambridge Prizewinner Strawberry
  49. Cambridge Rival Strawberry
  50. Cambridge Vigour Strawberry (Early Midseason)
  51. Camino Real Strawberry
  52. Canoga Strawberry (Late Midseason)
  53. Capron Royal Musk Strawberry
  54. Carolina Superba Strawberry
  55. Cassandra Strawberry (Midseason)
  56. Catskill Strawberry
  57. Cavalier Strawberry
  58. Cavendish Strawberry (Midseason)
  59. Chambly Strawberry (Midseason)
  60. Chandler Strawberry (June-bearing)
  61. Charles V Alpine Strawberry
  62. Charlotte Strawberry (Everbearing)
  63. Christine Strawberry
  64. Ciflorette Strawberry
  65. Cirano
  66. Clancy Strawberry (Late Midseason)
  67. Clarence Strawberry
  68. Cotta Musk Strawberry
  69. Dabreak Strawberry
  70. Darselect Strawberry (Early Midseason)
  71. Delia Strawberry (Early Midseason)
  72. Delite Strawberry
  73. Delizz Strawberry (Everbearing)
  74. Delizzimo Strawberry
  75. Delmarvel Strawberry
  76. Des Alpes Strawberry
  77. Deutsch Evern Strawberry
  78. Diamante Strawberry (Day Neutral)
  79. Dickens Strawberry
  80. Dixieland Strawberry
  81. Donner Strawberry
  82. Dorsett Strawberry
  83. Douglas Strawberry (June-bearing)
  84. Dunlap Strawberry
  85. Earlibelle Strawberry
  86. Earlidawn Strawberry
  87. Earliglow Strawberry (Early)
  88. Early Ozark Strawberry
  89. Éclair Strawberry
  90. Elan Strawberry (Everbearing)
  91. Elegance Strawberry (Late Season)
  92. Elsanta Strawberry (Midseason)
  93. Elvira Strawberry
  94. Emily Strawberry (Early Season)
  95. Empire Strawberry
  96. Eros Strawberry (Midseason)
  97. Evangeline Strawberry (Early)
  98. Everest Strawberry
  99. Eversweet Strawberry
  100. Evie 2 Strawberry (Day Neutral)
  101. Evie Strawberry
  102. Fairfax Strawberry
  103. Faith Strawberry (Late Season)
  104. Favori Strawberry (Everbearing)
  105. Fenella Strawberry (Late Season)
  106. Fertilité Strawberry
  107. Firecracker Strawberry (Late Season)
  108. Flair Strawberry (Early)
  109. Flamenco Strawberry (Everbearing)
  110. Flavorefest Strawberry (June-bearing)
  111. Fletcher Strawberry
  112. Fleurette Strawberry (Early)
  113. Florence Strawberry (Late Midseason)
  114. Florentina Strawberry (Everbearing)
  115. Florida Ninety Strawberry
  116. Florina Strawberry (Everbearing)
  117. Fort Laramie Strawberry (Everbearing)
  118. Frau Mieze Schindler Strawberry
  119. Frel Strawberry
  120. Fresca Strawberry
  121. Fresno Strawberry
  122. Fruitful Summer Strawberry
  123. Furore Strawberry (Everbearing)
  124. Galletta Strawberry (June-bearing)
  125. Gariguette Strawberry
  126. Gauthier Strawberry
  127. Gaviota Strawberry
  128. Gem Strawberry
  129. Glenheart Strawberry
  130. Glooscap Strawberry (Early Midseason)
  131. Goldsmith Strawberry
  132. Gorella Strawberry (Early)
  133. Governor Simcoe Strawberry (Late Midseason)
  134. Grande Berried Treasure Red Strawberry
  135. Grenadier Strawberry
  136. Guardian Strawberry
  137. Guardsman Strawberry
  138. Général de Gaulle Strawberry
  139. Hapil Strawberry
  140. Headliner Strawberry
  141. Hecker Strawberry (Day Neutral)
  142. Hokowase Strawberry (Early)
  143. Honeoye Strawberry (June-bearing)
  144. Hood Strawberry (Midseason)
  145. Hot Pink Berri Basket Strawberry
  146. Howard 17 Strawberry
  147. Huxley Strawberry
  148. Itasca Strawberry (Early Midseason)
  149. Jerseybelle Strawberry
  150. Jewel Mid-Season Strawberry
  151. Jewel Strawberry (June-bearing)
  152. Judibell Strawberry (Very Late Season)
  153. Kent Strawberry (Midseason)
  154. Kimberly Strawberry (Early)
  155. Klondike Strawberry
  156. Klonmore Strawberry
  157. Kogyku Strawberry
  158. Korona Strawberry
  159. L’Amour Strawberry (Midseason)
  160. Ladette Strawberry
  161. Lassen Strawberry (June-bearing)
  162. Little Scarlet Strawberry
  163. Loran Strawberry
  164. Lucy Strawberry (Late Midseason)
  165. Macherauchs Marieva Strawberry
  166. Madame Moutot Strawberry
  167. Mae Strawberry (Early Midseason)
  168. Mahabaleshwar Strawberry
  169. Malling Opal Strawberry
  170. Malling Pearl Strawberry
  171. Malwina Strawberry
  172. Manille Strawberry
  173. Mara des Bois Strawberry (Day Neutral)
  174. Marie Charlotte Musk Strawberry
  175. Marshall Strawberry (Early Midseason)
  176. Matis Strawberry (Midseason)
  177. Merton Princess Strawberry
  178. Mesabi Strawberry (Midseason)
  179. Midland Strawberry
  180. Midway Strawberry
  181. Mignonette Alpine Strawberry (Everbearing)
  182. Mira Strawberry (Midseason)
  183. Missionary Strawberry
  184. Mohawk Strawberry (Early)
  185. Mojave Strawberry (June-bearing)
  186. Montana Strawberry
  187. Monterey Strawberry (Day Neutral)
  188. Mouikko Strawberry
  189. Musk Strawberry
  190. Northeaster Strawberry (Early)
  191. Northeastern Strawberry (Early)
  192. Northwest Strawberry
  193. Ogallala Strawberry (Everbearing)
  194. Old North Sea Strawberry
  195. Orléans Strawberry (Early)
  196. Oso Grande Strawberry (Early)
  197. Ozark Beauty Strawberry (Everbearing)
  198. Palomar Strawberry
  199. Pandora Strawberry (Late Season)
  200. Pantagruella Strawberry
  201. Pathfinder Strawberry
  202. Pegasus Strawberry
  203. Pelican Strawberry (Late Midseason)
  204. Pineapple Crush Alpine Strawberry
  205. Pineberry Strawberry
  206. Pink Panda Strawberry
  207. Pinnacle Strawberry (Early Midseason)
  208. Portola Strawberry (Day Neutral)
  209. Premier Strawberry
  210. Primetime Strawberry
  211. Profumata di Tortona Musk Strawberry
  212. Puget Beauty Strawberry
  213. Puget Crimson Strawberry
  214. Puget Reliance Strawberry (Early Midseason)
  215. Puget Summer Strawberry (Late Season)
  216. Purple Wonder Strawberry (June-bearing)
  217. Quinault Strawberry (Everbearing)
  218. Rabunda Strawberry
  219. Rainier Strawberry (Late Season)
  220. Red Ruby Strawberry
  221. Redchief Strawberry
  222. Redcoat Strawberry
  223. Redcrest Strawberry (Late Season)
  224. Redcrop Strawberry
  225. Redgauntlet Strawberry
  226. Redgem Strawberry
  227. Redstar Strawberry
  228. Redwing Strawberry
  229. Red Rich Strawberry
  230. Regina Strawberry
  231. Reine de Tardive Strawberry
  232. Reine des Vallees Strawberry
  233. Rhapsody Strawberry
  234. Robinson Strawberry
  235. Rockhill Strawberry
  236. Rosa Linda Strawberry
  237. Rose Berries Galore Strawberry
  238. Rosie Strawberry (Early Midseason)
  239. Roxana Strawberry (Late Season)
  240. Royal Sovereign Strawberry (Midseason)
  241. Ruby Ann Strawberry (Everbearing)
  242. Rugen Improved Strawberry
  243. Rutgers Scarlet Strawberry (June-bearing)
  244. Sable Strawberry (Early)
  245. Sagahonoka Strawberry
  246. Saint Pierre Strawberry (Midseason)
  247. Sallybright Strawberry (Midseason)
  248. Samba Strawberry
  249. San Andreas Strawberry (Day Neutral)
  250. Sapphire Strawberry (Midseason)
  251. Sasha Strawberry (June-bearer)
  252. Saunier Strawberry
  253. Schwartze Strawberry
  254. Scott Strawberry
  255. Seascape Strawberry (Day Neutral) 
  256. Selva Strawberry (Day Neutral)
  257. Seneca Strawberry (Midseason)
  258. Senga Gigana Strawberry
  259. Senga Precosa Strawberry
  260. Senga Sengana Strawberry
  261. Sequoia Strawberry (June-bearing)
  262. Shasta Strawberry
  263. Shuksan Strawberry
  264. Sieger Strawberry
  265. Siegerland Musk Strawberry
  266. Siletz Strawberry
  267. Sitka Strawberry
  268. Solana Strawberry
  269. Sonata Strawberry (Midseason)
  270. Sophie Strawberry (Late Season)
  271. Souvenir de Charles Machiroux Strawberry
  272. Sparkle Strawberry
  273. Sparkle Supreme Strawberry
  274. Sparta Strawberry
  275. Stellarossa Strawberry (Late Season)
  276. Strasberry Strawberry
  277. Strawberry Festival Strawberry
  278. Sunrise Strawberry
  279. Surecrop Strawberry
  280. Surprise des Halles Strawberry
  281. Sussette Strawberry (Late Season)
  282. Suwannee Strawberry
  283. Sweet Ann Strawberry
  284. Sweet Charlie Strawberry (June-bearing)
  285. Sweet Kiss Strawberry (Everbearing)
  286. Sweetheart Strawberry (Everbearing)
  287. Symphony Strawberry (Late Season)
  288. Talisman Strawberry
  289. Tarpan Strawberry
  290. Temptation Strawberry
  291. Tennessee Beauty Strawberry
  292. Tennessee Shipper Strawberry
  293. Tillamook Strawberry (Early)
  294. Tioga Strawberry (June-bearing)
  295. Titan Strawberry
  296. Tochiotome Strawberry
  297. Toscana Strawberry (Everbearing)
  298. Totem Strawberry (Midseason)
  299. Tresca Strawberry
  300. Tribute Strawberry (Day Neutral)
  301. Tristan Strawberry (Everbearing)
  302. Tristar Strawberry (Day Neutral)
  303. Tutti Frutti Alpine Strawberry
  304. Valentine Strawberry
  305. Valley Red Strawberry (Early Midseason)
  306. Variegata Strawberry
  307. Veestar Strawberry (Early)
  308. Ventana Strawberry
  309. Vesper Strawberry
  310. Vibrant Strawberry (Early)
  311. Viktoriana Strawberry (Late Midseason)
  312. Virginia Wild Strawberry
  313. Viscountesse Héricart de Thury Strawberry
  314. Wendy Strawberry (Early)
  315. White Pineberry (Everbearing)
  316. Whopper Strawberry (June-bearing)
  317. Winona Strawberry (Late Season)
  318. Wisconsin Queen Strawberry
  319. Yamaska Strawberry (Late Season)
  320. Yambu Strawberry
  321. Yellow Wonder Alpine Strawberry

So whether you want continual harvests throughout the season or a massive batch of berries bursting with juice for a canning session, we hope you’ll find exactly what you’re looking for.

And if you want to learn more about growing berries at home, take a look at these guides next: