Choosing the Right Container Size

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For new gardeners, it can be difficult to know what size pot you need for everything you plan to grow. Luckily, we have put together a guide to help you find the perfect container no matter what you want to plant. These are our top tips for the best vegetable container gardening for beginners!

If you are considering starting or expanding your current garden setup with more potted plants, window boxes, or hanging baskets, you have come to the right place! This guide to container gardening will help you find the right container size for whatever you want to plant.

plant pots

What is Container Gardening?

Container gardening is as simple as it sounds. Container gardening is the process of growing plants from a container rather than from the ground.

You can grow many different kinds of plants and produce from a container, such as flowers, herbs, vegetables, and even trees!

Container gardening can vary by type as well, such as:

  • Pots
  • Decorative containers
  • Hanging baskets
  • Window boxes

Types of Containers

The type of containers you can use for a container garden is vast. You can turn practically anything into a planter with the right amount of creativity.

The possibilities are endless, from large flower pots to half barrels and wooden tubs. The important part about your container is that it has adequate drainage, enough surface area, and the capacity to hold your plant of choice and that it can support the soil and plants.

Container Size

The kind and amount of plants you would like to grow will help you figure out the most appropriate container for your needs.

Plants with shallow roots need less room, and you can get away with small containers. However, deep-rooted plants need a lot more room and depth, making them a better fit for larger containers.

Tips for Choosing the Right Container

  • The amount of soil required can change by the shape of the container. The shape of your container can also change the size, and you’ll need to consider how the spacing works in an odd-shaped container.
  • Smaller containers require more frequent watering, even if the plant itself might not.  Use sizes as a guideline and more of a minimum requirement.
  • Allow proper room for drainage. It’s important to have the best size containers for growing vegetables and other plants and herbs so that they have the room that they need.
  • Container sizes are not standardized sizes. It might often mean measuring and re-measuring.
  • Choose the largest possible vegetable-growing containers to give them more access to soil, food, and water.
  • Don’t choose cheap containers to grow vegetables. Read the reviews, and find a product that will do the job correctly to produce a good crop.
clay plant pots

This guide will be handy when choosing the right container for your specific plant needs. Don’t forget to save this post and refer to it before planting to make sure you choose the appropriate container for your unique garden needs.

Use these tips to help you start growing food and vegetables correctly right from the start.

And for more gardening guides, take a look at the following posts: